Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Those who are hurting.

I showed you Wren and Marla, and how much danger they are in, how abused they are. But they aren't the only ones.

This is  Sonny . He is an adorable little boy, except that he has been treated horribly. He would look so much happier and healthier with a mom and dad, brothers and sisters.
Why him? Why is he one of the worst looking, most abused children on Reece's Rainbow? Why do some kids in these orphanages seem almost healthy, and others so close to death. This little boy doesn't deserve this. No one does. God knew what he was doing making him.

And this is Donovan. He looks so small! But that isn't what makes me fear for his life. That almost transparent part on his head is the lining of his skull! He has no diagnosis for that, that is neglect. Why is it that we, as Christians, can sit back and watch these children sufer for something that was not, and never will be, their fault? It could have been you, it could have been me. These pictures need to rock our worlds. They have mine.

And of course,  Marla . This poor, poor darling. She wouldn't look like this if she had her family. I know this. Even with her CP, she would be so much better. With my sister, if she had been left like this she would look no different. If you look at her past photo, you will notice she has been left in the same position both times. She isn't moved around or helped. She would be walking, running, laughing, talking, everything you can do. She may struggle in some places, but she would be a different child if someone saved this little girl.

Don't forget these kids. These are the least of these. The ones we are called to help.

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