Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What Made The Difference.

I remember that my mom had been telling me about the kids who were in orphanages a while. It hurt, yes, but I didn't really understand it. What broke my heart? A video. Seeing it with my own eyes. I have watched many, many more videos about adoption, and they all broke my heart and touched me. The statistics that were astonishing, the faces of the kids, everything about them. So, seeing how Downs Syndrome is mostly being advocated for, my sister and I made a CP (Cerebral Palsy) video. CP is what Simeon and Beau have. I encourage you to watch it. These children are wonderful to be around. Cassandra, my sister, has CP also, so everyone should realize it isn't the end of the world.

Share it to everyone you know! Spread it around. I want this to go to the ends of the Earth and back!

Prayer is Powerful,


  1. I enjoyed your video. We adopted 3 kiddos through Reece's Rainbow the last of which has mild cerebral palsy. She is a joy.
    I am going to try to share your video on my Facebook.

  2. I'll be sure to tell my sister! I'm glad you liked it.
