Monday, June 25, 2012

The facts, the truth.

I saw the world's tear-jerking photo today. Thought I should share it with you.

  My expression after reading this? What?!?!?!

I know people with HIV/AIDS are contagious in some ways, but seriously? So many people in the world think it spreads by going within three feet of them. That is wrong. Just wrong. Let me separate the myth from fact for you.

True or False: You can get HIV from kissing someone with HIV/AIDS.
Answer: False. There hasn't been one case of someone getting HIV from kissing. Never.

True or False: There is no cure.
Answer: True. No, there is no cure for HIV/AIDS. There are medicines that help slow the progression of the disease though. People with HIV/AIDS can live as long as anyone else with these medicines.

There are two main ways of spreading HIV/AIDS. That is by any sexual encounter, (I think you know what I mean) and from mother to infant. My only question is why are these kids still treated as if you come within three feet you will be sick?

This reminds me of the lepers in the Bible. They didn't have anyone in their lives. They got these diseases, diseases of the skin, but they did nothing wrong. Like it isn't your fault if you catch a cold, it isn't their fault that they have this sickness. They were abandoned, on the side of the streets, starving and alone. But there was one person who wasn't afraid to come near them, he healed them. Jesus. He loved the lepers.

Now imagine a modern day Jesus. There are no 'lepers' on the side of the road anymore, except for HIV/AIDS children and adults. The term "What Would Jesus Do?" comes into my mind. Jesus would love those people, and he said for us to be like him. We should be the ones going to all people with special needs, bringing them into our lives with open arms.

Ever since I saw the faces of these kids, I haven't been worried. My mom asked me once, "Aren't you afraid of getting the sickness?" I told her that it didn't matter to me. Everyone will die one day. I also told her that there was nearly no chance of getting it. We all need to think about these things.

Prayer is Powerful,

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