My sister has cerebral palsy, like Beau, and she also has a blog
here. She is seventeen and will never drive, or have a job. Now, she found $20 the other day, set aside for her. My parents gave her the money, and asked her what she wanted to do with it. My mom and I thought she was going to want to buy something at the store, or something any other teenager would want. After a few minutes of her trying to figure out what she wanted, she told my mom she wanted to give it to a girl named Darina. My sister has her on her blog as well. Now, she didn't say "some of it" she said "all of it". That is very special to me. Most other teens would have spent it on themselves. I respect my sister so much.
So, my question is, why aren't we all like that? I know we can't give everything, but why don't we give a little at least? If she could do it, I know anyone could. Even five dollars. I challenge you to do that, whether little Darina, or anyone.
Prayer is powerful,
That's so sweet Grace. Thank you.